Basic syllabus outline that conforms to all known policies, feel free to copy
Updated 8/21/24 - new information in PURPLE
CHECK ALL LINKS YOURSELF - they change the stupid CSN website every other week >:(
Course information: title, catalog number, section number, semester
(your info here)
Meeting times: (days of the week and time of day) and location and/or online time expectations
(your info here)
Instructor information:
Instructor’s name, office (room) number, mailbox location, office hours, telephone number, and email address, or as appropriate
Methods of communicating with student outside of the classroom
Course description and course outcomes:
(Put Information from Outcomes tab here)
Description of evaluation methods:
(your info here)
Description of how grades are determined
94-100% = A
90-93% = A-
86-89% = B+
84-85% = B
80-83% = B-
76-79% = C+
74-75% = C
70-73% = C-
66-69% = D+
64-65% = D
60-63% = D-
0-59% = F
Required and recommended texts / materials:
(your info here)
Policies on late assignments and/or makeup work:
(your info here)
Description of Attendance Policy:
(your info here)
Administrative Drop
CSN requires students to participate in their classes during the first week of instruction and requires faculty to document whether a student participated at the end of the first week of instruction. (a description of how that happens goes here)
Changes to the Syllabus
The instructor reserves the right to make modifications to the syllabus and/or scheduled assignments as necessary. Students will be notified of any schedule changes via email with as much notice as possible.
Tentative schedule for the semester:
(your info here)
Academic Integrity
Taking the words, work, or presenting the ideas of others, including those generated by artificial intelligence, as your own not only limits your academic research skills, it also violates the CSN’s Student Academic Integrity Policy. Cheating on exams or other coursework also violates the CSN Student Academic Integrity Policy. You can find more information about CSN’s Academic Integrity Policy at Academic Integrity Policy ( The minimum penalty for such offenses in this course is to fail the assignment. Failing the course will also be considered as an option. Infractions of the CSN Student Academic Integrity Policy may lead to suspensions, expulsion, transcript notations or other sanctions.
ADA Statement // Disability Resource Center (DRC)
CSN is committed to equal opportunity and access in education for all students, including those with disabilities. The CSN Disability Resource Center provides support to students with documented medical, mental health, or learning disabilities and students who need support due to pregnancy. To register with the DRC, students should complete the new student application in the AIM DRC tile in GoCSN. Students are encouraged to register with the DRC as early as possible in or prior to the start of the academic term. The granting of any accommodation will not be retroactive and cannot jeopardize the academic standards or integrity of the course. Please Note - Instructors are not allowed to provide classroom accommodations to a student until appropriate verification from the DRC has been provided. If you have questions, please contact the DRC directly (702-651-5644) or visit for additional information.
Students’ Rights and Responsibilities
When you choose to become a student at CSN, you accept the rights and responsibilities of membership in CSN’s academic and social community. You can find policies covering students such as the Student Conduct, Students’ Right to Know, Students’ Academic Integrity, and Disruptive and Abusive Student in the following locations:
Additional Resources for Students' Rights and Responsibilities:
CSN Policies and Procedures Webpages (Under the heading “Student Policies.”)
CSN Libraries
CSN Libraries provides support for students completing assignments that require research and the use of information. Librarians are available to students for one-on-one assistance locating and citing quality information either online or at one of our campus libraries. Find more information on our website
Required Extra-Curricular Activities (if applicable)
(your info here)
Safety Procedures
Approved classroom safety procedures are posted in each classroom and are to be followed. Students are to familiarize themselves with the nearest exit to use during fire alarm exercises. Do NOT use the elevators during these drills. Students will take ALL personal belongings with them when exiting the building. No student will be allowed back into the facility until the all clear is given.
Public Health Directives (COVID-19)
Students must follow all active CSN public health directives while enrolled in this class, such as properly worn face coverings when required in classrooms as well as inside campus buildings. CSN public health directives are found at Students who do not comply with these directives will be asked to leave the classroom. Refusal to follow the guidelines may result in further disciplinary action according to the CSN Student Conduct Code, including being dropped from the course.
Required Additional Fees (if applicable)
(your info here)
Objectionable Materials
Some students may find some material presented in class to be objectionable. The instructor has the discretion to choose to remove it or not.
Additional information unique to this course
(your info here)
Pregnant Students
CSN prohibits discrimination based on sex in education programs and activities. This prohibition on discrimination extends to pregnancy and related conditions—including childbirth, lactation, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, and recovery therefrom—as well as to parental and family status. If you are pregnant or have a pregnancy-related condition, and you are in need of accommodation because of your pregnancy or pregnancy-related condition, you must contact Dr. Armen Asherian, Title IX Coordinator, at or 702-651-7481, or the Disability Resource Center at 702-651-5644 for West Charleston, 702-651-3795 for Henderson, and 702-651-4045 for North Las Vegas to explore reasonable accommodation.
Sex-Based Harassment and Discrimination
CSN is committed to creating a safe and open learning environment for all students. In accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, CSN prohibits unlawful sex-based harassment against any participant in its education programs or activities. Sexual-based harassment includes quid pro quo (this for that) harassment, a hostile environment, and criminal sexual violence (including sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking.) This prohibition applies to CSN students, employees, and visitors. Incidents of sex-based harassment or discrimination should be reported to CSN’s Title IX Coordinator, Dr. Armen Asherian, at, or 702-651-7481 or University Police Department at 702-895-3669 to report a crime.